Garry MacKenzie (Environmental Writing, 2021)Scotland: A Literary Guide for Travellers, by Garry MacKenzie

Garry MacKenzie

Shortlisted in 2021 for Environmental Writing

Garry MacKenzie explores contemporary ecological and philosophical understandings of landscapes in both their content and their form. He engages with the notion that landscapes are areas of multiple ecological and cultural interactions: animal populations, tourism, pollution, personal and group memories, migrations – a concept brought to the fore by the climate crisis and writing about the Anthropocene. MacKenzie experiments with how aspects of poetry such as voice, form, juxtapositions, lineation and pagination might highlight the aesthetic as well as the physical connections between these moving parts.

MacKenzie is the author of Scotland: A Literary Guide for Travellers (I.B. Tauris), an introduction to literature from and about Scotland, and his long poem, Ben Dorain: a conversation with a mountain is forthcoming from Irish Pages Press. Garry MacKenzie teaches undergraduate and community education courses in literature and creative writing for the University of St Andrews and Open College of the Arts.