Josie Dale-Jones (Theatre-Makers, 2021)Josie Dale-Jones

Josie Dale-Jones

Shortlisted in 2021 for Theatre-Makers

Josie Dale-Jones is a theatre maker working as multi-award winning collaborative theatre company ThisEgg, through which she produces, co-creates and performs. ThisEgg makes live theatre that is led by form and theme, not necessarily story. ThisEgg’s work is firmly rooted in the hope that theatre can be a motivational force for social change.

ThisEgg’s show, dressed. made in collaboration with Made My Wardrobe, is a true story told by four women who have been friends since school. After being stripped at gun point, Lydia set out to redress herself with a new healing set of armor. Lydia now only wears clothes she has made. Combining choreography, live sewing, comedy and original music, dressed. celebrates the power clothes have to define us, to liberate us, to hide us and to embellish us.

In the summer of 2020 ThisEgg with Philippa Hogg created DISMANTLE; an installation, pop up performance & film project behind the window of an empty shop front at The Koppel Project’s Soho Studios building before it was torn down to make space for a luxury hotel. Dale-Jones is currently developing The Family Sex Show – designed to be seen by adults and children, the show explores sex, pleasure and relationships in a celebration of difference and equality.