Matilda Ibini (Theatre-Makers, 2021)Head Over Wheels

Matilda Ibini

Shortlisted in 2021 for Theatre-Makers

Matilda Ibini is a playwright and screenwriter from London, writing for stage, TV, film and audio. Her debut play Muscovado (2014) examined slavery and the sugar trade was produced by BurntOut Theatre, winning the Alfred Fagon Audience Award 2015. Ibini then went on to pen Little Miss Burden, a coming-of-age tale bringing together 90s nostalgia, Nigerian family, East London and Sailor Moon to tell the sometimes tricky, often funny truth about growing up with a physical impairment. The show premiered at the Bunker Theatre in 2019, and was a finalist for an OffWestEnd Award for Best New Play.

Recent works in Ibini’s portfolio include The Grape That Rolled Under The Fridge (2019), a half hour audio drama produced by Naked Productions and BBC Radio 3, Head Over Wheels (2020), a romantic comedy about dating as a disabled person, and Shielders (2020), a digital play following three friends who spend Coronavirus lockdown searching for UFOs, until eased restrictions leave only one of the group still shielding indoors. Ibini’s work has been staged at theatres such as Old Vic Theatre, Shakespeare’s Globe, National Theatre Shed, Royal Exchange Manchester, Birmingham Rep and Soho Theatre.