SculptureSupported by The Yoma Sasburg Estate
Now in its fifth year this award supported by the Yoma Sasburg Estate will be open to artists chosen from a wide selection of experts working in this field.
Robin Klassnik
Matts Gallery
Cornelia Parker
Andrew Sabin
Arts Journalism
With fewer full-time critics and less space given over to coverage in the traditional print media the role and responsibility of the professional arts journalist has never been greater. As one of the most competitive corners of media, the Foundation is delighted to support this award to celebrate original journalism related to architecture and design, fine and performing arts, literature, crafts, film, video or new media and will reflect the changing landscape cultural journalism is currently going through.
Experimental Music
Another new award for the Foundation this year, the Experimental Music category will include all experimental approaches to music making and composition including but not limited to electronic, jazz, contemporary classical, improvisation and sound art.
Hamish Dunbar
Co-founder of Cafe Oto, London
Brian Eno
Richard Whitelaw
Head of Programmes, Sound and Music.
Materials InnovationSupported by The Clothworkers’ Company
The Foundation is pleased to receive support from the Clothworkers' Foundation who have made this ongoing fellowship possible. Encouraged by the desire for common outcomes and clever innovation, the cross-over between the disciplines of art, design, engineering, textiles and craft is an ever-increasing phenomenon. The Materials Innovation fellowship embraces this and will accept applications from artists, designers and craftspeople in whose work the use of materials as well as the experimental use of materials plays a major role. This could be reflected at any point in the material lifecycle.
Stephen Jones
Scarlet Oliver
Textile Artist
Henrietta Thompson
Writer and Wallpaper's Editor at Large
PlaywritingSupported by Lionel Bart Foundation
The Lionel Bart Foundation funds an annual fellowship in theatre. This year it is the turn of Playwriting. With the rise of the theatre 'auteur', and an on-going popularity of site-specific and multi-disciplinary performance the role of the playwright has taken some interesting turns. The importance of this artform and supporting their practice outside of commissions is highlighted with this award for emerging talent.
Gemma Bodinetz
Artistic Director of Liverpool Everyman
Vicky Featherstone
Artistic Director of the Royal Court
Nicholas Wright
The last recipient of this award was in 2006 when Lynette Yiadom-Boake walked away with time on her hands. The Foundation is pleased to revisit this area of fine art practice.
David Batchelor
Sadie Coles
Michael Radaeker