When talking to people about how the fellowship changed things, and how becoming a full-time musician changed things I used this concrete example: My first full-length project took me 4 years to complete in the midst of full-time nightlife employment, 2023 saw me complete 2 full-length projects and an EP, one of those full-length projects releasing this year on the label that I was aiming to end up on 10 years down the line.
Iceboy Violet
Electronic Music, 2023
Receiving the fellowship has enabled me to dedicate all my efforts to Resting Reef full-time, allowing me to fully immerse myself in its evolution. Having the freedom, space, and time to be creative is a privilege, and I am very grateful that the award has afforded me this opportunity over the past year.
Louise Lenborg Skajem
Bio Design, 2023
As well as the financial and practical aspects of the award, my focus, drive and confidence as a writer have been boosted by this very generous fellowship and helped me feel less of the ‘imposter syndrome’.
Gaia Holmes
Place Writing, 2023
It’s been great to receive recognition of my career in art so far, and for the body of work I’ve created to be celebrated. There have been a few shaky moments over time where I thought about giving up on art and doing something else entirely, but milestones like this remind me to press on with doing what I love and that my work is not going unnoticed.
Emily Mulenga
Digital Art, 2023
This transformation changes my practice and outlook, there is a confidence that comes from my yearning to experiment and push beyond what I have known or done before.
Akeim Toussaint Buck
Dance Theatre, 2023
The award was a huge honour and a massive boost to my confidence… The money was a huge help, easing the anxiety that is so often there humming away in the background around ‘how am I going to pay my rent next month.’ To be able to live more openly and courageously as ideas are explored.
Lee Hart
Theatre-Makers, 2022
Being awarded the Arts Foundation Music For Change Fellowship was a very proud moment in my career to date, one that has led me onto an even broader and more exciting artistic journey. Music can absolutely make a change in society, and to be awarded such a fellowship shows that my work is moving others in a positive way. In terms of my artistic career, the unrestricted financial support enabled me to develop my musical skills and also build out my wider artistic practice. It has also given me the time and space to approach artists from other fields for collaboration.
Love Ssega
Music for Change, 2022
The fellowship allowed me time and space to ponder ideas and experiment with materials in the knowledge that I had been cushioned by this award financially. I used to work on one idea to the next in more of a linear way. Right now I am working on 5 ideas simultaneously. The award has given me a boost in confidence, which will have a long-lasting impact on my practice. I am already noticing that my projects are becoming more ambitious because of it.
Savinder Bual
Animation, 2022
The Arts Foundation Fellowship has been an enabler in many ways, and I cannot express my gratitude enough. In a time when the cost of living is drastically rising, it felt essential to have the Arts Foundation's support in furthering my practice and career, engaging in meaningful collaborations and spending relevant time on non-commercial aspects of my work."
Elissa Brunato
Materials Innovation, 2022
It is amazing to have a chance to delve into a passion project like this and am so grateful for the opportunity this award has given me. I feel like I have really advanced my composing practice."
John Barber
Choral Composition, 2021
With the Arts Foundation support, I have managed to successfully pursue the vision of being able to further evolve the development and the implementation of novel living biomaterials for applications in our cities. Projects such as Indus, if successful will spearhead an era where we 'design for behavior change'.
Shneel Malik
Materials Innovation, 2021
Across the past ten months, the £10,000 Arts Foundation Futures award Fellowship has transformed my career as a visual artist in myriad ways. From the effect that such a substantial and sudden injection of capital has had on my mental wellbeing, providing me for the first time since leaving home with a solid, financial safety net, to the sense of validation and boost in confidence that the accolade of becoming a fellow has afforded me.
Tanoa Sasraku
Visual Arts, 2021
Receiving the nomination for the first Theatre-Maker award was a blessing alone. I was genuinely stoked to be shortlisted amongst such brilliant artists. When I received the news that I was the recipient of the full award I was blown away. I could not have asked for a better start to my year.
Keisha Thompson
Theatre-Makers, 2021
I am currently writing this letter from Hawthornden Castle in Scotland, where I am in residence as a writing fellow until early October. I was able to take this month-long residency because I was in a position to turn down paid work. This has allowed me to get a first draft – 46,000 words – of Greyhound down on paper.
Joanna Pocock
Environmental Writing, 2021
Having this money I have felt an enormous privilege, I knew I wouldn’t have to panic about my rent, I was able cover the cost of London studio rent even though my collaborator with whom I previously shared this with was injured and unable to use the space, it’s helped me to cover the costs of two storage units where I keep sculptures for performances.
Visual Arts, 2019
Being nominated in the ‘Comics’ category - by peers - was a huge boost to my confidence. This year, for the first time, I began to set myself maximum limits on the amount of teaching I took on, to retain time for drawing and research - something I am keen to keep up, and find ways to make sustainable in the long-term.
Esther McManus
Comics, 2020
This past twelve months of my Arts Foundation Fellowship year has been an extraordinary one - between expanding my brand, building on my portfolio and responding to the current crisis, I have been extremely busy!
Bethany Williams
Social Innovation in Materials Design, 2020
I was keen to develop my material research around the re-use and re-cycling of materials, therefore I used the fellowship funding to travel up North to meet with Professor Parik at the University of Huddersfield who I was put in contact with through YSP. His research in bioplastics and technical textiles was fascinating and we had important and inspiring conversations around touch, sustainability and material manipulation amongst other things.
Holly Hendry
Experimental Architecture , 2019
For some time, I have felt an urge to experience ritualistic performance. My intuition was that this kind of performance would deepen my sense of the origins of theatre and of our need to create visible forms through the body, set elements, costumes or whatever the devices may be, to describe the world within us.
Alexander Zeldin
Performing Arts: 25th Anniversary Awards, 2018
Seeing my work recognized in this way amongst a selection of peers was powerful and restorative. Before seeing it I’d been seriously contemplating my ability to return to my arts practice, yet the nomination gave me hope to persevere through what was personally a very difficult time.
Nathaniel Mann
Performing Arts: 25th Anniversary Awards, 2018
My time was spent exploring how advances in biotechnology and engineering can be applied to everyday objects and architecture to increase the quality of our lives.
Julian Melchiorri
Materials Innovation, 2017
For me, the award was not simply a financial support, but supportive in the sense that it acknowledged my work and efforts which sometimes are so unbelievably alienating in the process of producing.
Lydia Ourahmane
Visual Arts: 25th Anniversary Awards, 2018
With the prize money I was able to buy a bigger kiln, new burner and a new, better extraction hood. The kiln allowed me to make bigger work and I used it for a number of these new neon pieces. The more powerful extraction system enabled me to do further experiments with applied lustre and work in a more healthy studio environment.
Jochen Holz
Craft :25th Anniversary Award, 2018
With the Arts Foundation Award behind me I made the step I otherwise would not have been able to do and entered entirely into independent working.
Laura Ducceschi
Producer of Live Music , 2016
Thanks to this fellowship I could dedicate half of my weekly time to the development of the first “living and breathing chandelier” using the new BioSolar Leaf as light diffusers.
Julian Melchiorri
Materials Innovation, 2017
For me, along with the crucial financial wage the fellowship afforded me, was the time it gave me to really sit and think about a new piece of music, its performance and really what I wanted to say in terms of content, subject matter, context and narrative.
Lauren Kinsella
Jazz Composition, 2017
As part of the application I made clear that if I won the Award I would have the opportunity to commit to my first ever solo exhibition at the renowned ARAM Gallery in London. I had never been in such a financial position to commit to such an opportunity before.
Max Frommeld
Furniture Design, 2017
As a result of my Arts Foundation fellowship in Live Art, awarded in 2017 I have been able to expand the limits of my practice beyond what I thought possible.
Evan Ifekoya
Live Art, 2017
One of the areas of Choral Conducting that I wanted to focus on improving my conducting technique. Having this space and dedicated time for lessons has greatly benefited me and the choirs I work with and has enabled me to express myself as a conductor to a much greater extent.
Gregory Batsleer
Choral Conducting, 2015
I’m delighted to say that the Arts Foundation Fellowship has had a significant effect on my personal practice and working life as well, I believe, as on the reception of creative non-fiction as an increasingly popular and respected genre in the UK.
Joanna Walsh
Creative Non-Fiction, 2017